Ameristar Facility Solutions

antimicrobial cleaning

How to Properly Sanitize Your Workplace this Winter When Viruses Spread Faster

Winters are cool and stormy and thus infectious as well. This is a time when flu, cold, and fever are prominent and viruses spread too fast in the environment. In such a scenario, spending the entire day in a place occupied by too many people, such as a commercial facility is quite risky. So, it […]

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Why Routine Commercial Floor Cleaning Properly Is Important for Infection Prevention

Cleaning and disinfection have become the most important activities in commercial spaces in today’s times. Most offices have hired either an in-house cleaning staff or a professional cleaning service for cleaning and they do take care of efficient cleaning on the premises. However, what’s the most important surface to clean and disinfect during your cleaning

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Why Is Data Validation Important to Building Cleanliness

Cleanliness has become more essential than it ever was. The employees or customers wouldn’t walk into a workplace or a commercial premise where cleanliness is not maintained. However, maintaining these high levels of cleanliness and hygiene has not been easy. Commercial business owners have to go through many procedures and protocols to meet the cleaning

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How Commercial Cleaners Can Help Your Bottom Line

Cleanliness and hygiene have become more important than ever in today’s times. The employees look for a cleaner workplace environment and would not go to their office if they cannot see regular cleaning protocols being followed. Cleanliness gives the employees a sense of safety as they remain sure that the germs and viruses are eliminated,

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Hidden Germs & Bacteria in Your Office and What You Can Do About Them

Cleanliness and hygiene are essential at your workplace and commercial facilities are doing everything in their power to keep the workplaces clean and hygienic for all the occupants. Be it putting a cleaning routine in place to following regular cleaning and disinfection practices throughout the premises, commercial offices and facilities are not leaving out anything

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Antimicrobial Cleaning Surface Protection Technology

Surface contamination is a common problem in commercial spaces. As these spaces are largely occupied by people, certain surfaces such as doorknobs and door handles, elevator buttons, electricity switches, coffee machines, vending machines, etc., are high-touch surfaces and people constantly keep coming in contact with them. As people touch these surfaces, germs, bacteria, viruses, and

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How Long Do Viruses & Bacteria Live On Surfaces

Surface contamination is one of the most common concerns when it comes to infection mitigation. Dust and dirt particles or respiratory droplets rest on surfaces and contaminate them thereby creating the risk of spread of infections through touch and contact. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the respiratory droplets settle on the surfaces in

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Infection Prevention Basics for Healthier Commercial Cleaning

Cleanliness and hygiene have become more essential than ever in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. When no one was able to understand and contain the spread of the virus, maintaining cleanliness came as the most effective defense against it. It helped mitigate infection spread and make sure people are safe and protected. Even now,

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