Work Done By Frontline Workers Cleaning Professionals Saves Lives

The chaos ensued when the arrival of the infamous Coronavirus at the beginning of this decade first hit the front-line workers/cleaning professionals. Healthcare was the first system that faced the first wave of crisis.

Doctors and nurses of all departments and ranks were assembled and faced the heavy onslaught of patients with iron hearts and steel determination. They deserve nothing but our absolute salute, respect, and honor.

But, they are assumed to be behind-the-scenes workers, i.e., the cleaning professionals, take care of the patients’ sanitary department, dispose of all used material and equipment carefully while being risk-prone due to close contact with COVID-19 patients. 

This is why the false assumption is nullified, and so even they are a part of the frontline workers’ force.

Thus, the work done by frontline workers/cleaning professionals saves lives.

Why are Cleaning Professionals a Part of the Front Line Workers’ Crew?

Let me elaborate on the point mentioned before on how important they are in the chain of saving lives.

In their Presence

When a patient is admitted into the ER of a hospital, a clean and sterilized bed is assigned to them along with a new hospital gown. New equipment, fresh injections, brand-new bottles of saline, and IV, among other things, are made available for the patient.

If they are prescribed for tests like CBP, CUP, etc., sealed syringes and unopened containers are given. Then, after the tests and examinations have been performed, the used aids are disposed of with great care.

Lastly, when it is time for the patient to be discharged, he is escorted to the vehicle on a disinfected wheelchair, and if it’s an ambulance, it is thoroughly washed and devoid of any infections. 

I mention a patient’s journey to and from a hospital because—a cleaning professional is involved at every step of it. But, they often go unnoticed, just like how you cannot figure out how a cleaning professional can be equated with a frontline worker.

Here is an explanation on why – 

Before the arrival of the new patient, it is a cleaning professional that removes the previous patients’ bed and pillow covers, cleans any body fluids that may have been present on the bed, sterilizes the area completely, places the new gown on the patient’s bed and then admits the patient.

Replacement of equipment, syringes, test containers is all managed by cleaning professionals. They even clean the dustbins, segregating the items into bio-degradable and non-biodegradable wastes, and discards them accordingly.

The wheelchair and ambulance are serviced, cleaned to the tiniest spills and marks, leaving them spick and span for the next patient. No comprises or excuses are entertained for them when it comes to sanitizing.

So you see now how the work done by frontline workers/cleaning professionals saves lives. They may not be direct contact between them, but if you were to remove even one of them, you are sure to get handicapped.

In Their Absence

Imagine if your cleaning staff are on strike due to underpaid charges and fail to change the bedsheets, and there was an earthquake minutes ago. All emergency patients have been directed to your hospital. 

There are no spare beds and no time to replace them immediately. What would you do? Feeling handicapped?

Your ER will be flooded with patients in no time fighting for their lives, while you will be shouting orders haphazardly in every possible way. All things are unorganized, and you are frustrated beyond measure.

The picture painted above is precisely what happens if one department, believed to be insignificant, is removed from its position. Now you know what happens if they take a leave from their responsibilities.

Hence, it is again proved that work done by frontline workers/cleaning professionals saves lives.

AmeriStar Facility Solutions

A facility for providing cleaning solutions is bound to know what their position holds in the overall view. They know how their competency or incompetency can affect lives.

AmeriStar Facility Solutions fits the above description perfectly. They do not falter in any of their services and always put their customers first before themselves. 

To benefit from their unprecedented hospital sanitary services, you can –

To Conclude

Underestimation of any job shows your amateur experience rather than the degradation of that profession. You not giving importance to cleaning professionals doesn’t even put a dent in their significance.

On the contrary, you are put down for your immature thinking and backward mindset. The work done by frontline workers/cleaning professionals saves lives, and you not believing in that is your loss, not theirs.