A new world needs new rules, the same as a new lock needs a new key. The old key simply won’t fit. With the development of COVID-19, new health and safety considerations are to be placed. These new regulations must include norms regarding how to prevent the contraction of COVID-19 and stop further spread of the same.
What are the Measures an Employee Must Consider Before Heading Back to Work?
Workplaces are fundamentally hubs of people interaction. They are the most common grounds for the contagious COVID-19 virus. People meet, shake hands, stand/sit in closed spaces, use the typical cafeteria, kitchen and bathrooms. All these contribute to the COVID-19 virus spread. Hence, it is the need of the hour to place specific laws that intercept the transmission.
The following are the key health and safety considerations an employee should consider before heading back to work:
- If the employee has the slightest of symptoms, they should not go to work.
A slight fever or a cough/sneeze should not be ignored. Get tested. If the result is positive, then the employee must Immediately isolate/quarantine themself without any delay. There should be no going to work, no visiting people, no attending weddings, and no guests should be allowed to meet them. In conclusion, no contact with people.
- Getting vaccinated is the best option for all employees.
Vaccination is the best shield against the virus. It guarantees more than 50% protection against the virus. The odds are better than not getting vaccinated at all. Vaccinated employees are better suited to resume their work than non-vaccinated employees.
If the employee is already under attack of the COVID-19 virus, they should wait for a certain period after completely recovering. The waiting period should be consulted with the respective doctor. After the interlude is concluded, the employee can get vaccinated.
If the employee has not been affected by the COVID-19 virus, they should apply for vaccination at once. The vaccine should be taken when their slot is assigned to them while taking all precautions.
- All employees must follow proper protocol.
If the employee has no alternate option but to do work by physically traveling to the workplace, they must follow a proper protocol. This is to minimize the escalation of the number of people affected.
What does following proper protocol mean? Mentioned below are the salient features in the COVID-19 Prevention Protocol:
- Wear a Mask
A scarf/handkerchief does not pass the approval as a mask substitute. A proper CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) or WHO (World Health Organization) recommended mask should be worn. It should adequately cover your nose and mouth and not just your chin.
A new mask must be used for each day of work. Do not use an already worn mask from yesterday. It may not have any visible dirt or germs, but that doesn’t classify it as clean. In a day, you meet numerous other employees and breathe in/out billions of microscopic particles. These may be both living and non-living particles.
Reusing a used mask is more dangerous to the employee’s body of getting infected by a greater margin than using a new mask or even not wearing a mask at all. Please do not think of this act as saving money by giving it the title of ‘recycling.’ That’s just plain nonsense. It’s degrading to the money the employee earns if they do not use it to buy masks, but rather paying for hospitals that the employee landed themself in by not following proper protocol.
- Maintain the recommended Social Distance of a minimum of 6ft.
This is harder than wearing a mask. While wearing a mask—though more beneficial to the employee and less for the other employees—is primarily for oneself. On the other hand, social distancing involves both the employee and other employees they interact/work with.
The employee maintaining/not maintaining social distancing affects both/multiple parties; the affected employee and the non-affected employee/employer. Hence, it is mandatory to maintain the recommended social distance.
- No Shaking Hands
Instinctively, as soon as an employee meets another employee/employer, they shake hands. But, considering the present conditions, this should be avoided.
Direct contact of any kind is prohibited, let alone shaking hands. Bumping of fists also falls under this category. Although not recommended, in some instances, the employees/employers can use elbow shaking.
- No Hugging
Employees working in the same department or have adjacent cubicles develop a friendship over the years they have worked together. They are more friends than colleagues. And the fundamental rule of meeting a friend is hugging them. Sadly, this cannot happen anymore.
The Protocol does not tolerate trespassing of this factor, however badly you want to hug your best friend. It is prohibited.
- No Sharing of Coffee Mugs or Tiffins
Employees often share their food over lunches or late-night overtime sessions. Unfortunately, under current circumstances, this practice needs to be put on hold. Though low, there are chances, and some instances have even been recorded of spreading the COVID-19 virus through this. Therefore, it is better to avoid this until the situation becomes better on the safer side.
AmeriStar Facility Solutions are the best service providers in the present COVID-19 pandemic conditions. They abide by the protocol stringently and do not stray from it.
AmeriStar Facility Solutions
AmeriStar Facility Solutions excellently comprehend the workplace considerations concerning the passing of virus from one employee to another employee/employer since they are a commercial organization involving hundreds of employees. Therefore, they won’t risk committing a mistake that may accidentally result in the promotion of COVID-19 spread.
To benefit from their current world-specific services, you can select any of the below –
- Head over to the website – https://ameristarfacilitysolutions.com/
- Make a call on – (570)-675-5525
- Email to – info@ameristarfacilitysolutions.com
Imagine you being voted as the future CEO of the company you work in. A dream come true, right? How will it become a reality if you or the members of the board no longer live? For your vision to take shape, it must have you and your colleagues alive and healthy. Therefore, understand the gravity of a tiny bargain for winning big.
Following such strict rules may seem difficult at first. But, once you get used to the idea of it, and its importance in the battle against the notorious virus, your feeling of responsibility to sacrifice will grow and be strengthened, and you will be up for a little compromise for a better future.