In present times, the definition of Health has a much broader spectrum than the olden days. Add to that the recent COVID-19 Pandemic, which has caused unimaginable turmoil across all continents and seas. The world is distressed in finding a solution to this horror and doing whatever they can to protect themselves from it.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but this doesn’t justify half-baked solutions. A problem this big must be managed on a big scale too. A thorough understanding of what is to be required is significant in providing the best solution possible.
AmeriStar Facility Solutions has done a phenomenal job in explicitly doing so and has thus formulated a neo-cleaning plan in averting the onslaught of the accursed COVID-19 Pandemic. They have initiated a separate solution of ‘COVID-19 Services’ to ward off its evil spells.
Why Clean?
How to make something so dull but essential, meaningful to do? The answer is quite simple. When you understand the necessity of it and the impact of it being done or not being done, and then the realization hits you. You grasp the gravity of the responsibility in keeping yourself and your family/workers healthy is when the dawn of understanding descends upon you.
This is precisely what AmeriStar Facility Solutions believe in. They know the inside-outs of cleaning and the prequels and sequels of it, and thus, keeping all this in mind, they have given the aspect of cleaning a newer cleaner approach.
Cleaning and Health: A Close-Knit Relation
‘Cleaning for Health.’ A statement that implies the dependence of Cleaning activity on maintaining good health. The interdependence of these two on each other is more than what meets the eye.
A healthy lifestyle comprises following a disciplined timetable, strict monitoring of your food intake, and a healthy and hygienic surrounding to breathe in. For your environment to meet the standards of what good health demands, meticulousness is of utmost importance.
Be it your work or your cozy home, flat surfaces or rugged bottoms, corners decorated with webs to grout in between the tiles; all must be cleaned to perfection to keep your place germ-free and an all-rounded cleansed abode.
AmeriStar Facility Solutions embraces your need to stay healthy and facilitates services such as – office/building cleaning, medical/healthcare cleaning, construction cleaning, schools/educational cleaning, gym/fitness facilities, manufacturing/warehouse cleaning, sanitizing/ disinfecting services.
Cleaning: A New Approach
A new era calls for a ‘New Approach.’ In these trying and testing times of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a new approach is needed to tackle new problems.
COVID-19 has shed new light on ‘Cleaning.’ It has changed its meaning definitively and has had a mammoth of an impact on the Cleaning Industry. Though there have been cons of it, focusing on the pros, we have to acknowledge the new angle it has produced.
Cleaning is not a chore anymore. It is a compulsion that everyone must follow. It has now gained the crucial ability of whether or not to allow the spread of one of the deadliest outbreaks in history.
Each day it shows a new development, and we must keep ourselves fired to keep up with them not to fall short in the race and beat it to triumph one day. AmeriStar Facility Solutions have taken upon themselves to employ the above assuredly and give the thought reality.
The New Approach: COVID-19
To start with, ‘Disinfection’ should be done foremost. The major infection-spreading areas are common areas like the waiting areas, bathrooms, cafeterias in offices and kitchen, bathrooms, and living areas in homes. These require immediate attention, and the infection must be removed from its root to avoid any further growth through contact.
This should be followed by using ‘Chemicals’ approved by the CDC (Centre of Disease Control and Prevention) and CBC (Centre of Biocide Chemistries). Proper protocol and guidelines laid down by them are to be followed to a T.
Lastly, ‘Demobilisation’ of equipment and waste is to be done. This refers to individually-concentrated cleaning and sanitizing of objects present in one’s home or workplace.
The above pointers in that order encompass the ‘New Approach’ and are the new goal of AmeriStar Facility Solutions.
AmeriStar Facility Solutions
A myriad of services worldwide can provide exceptional amenities, but what makes AmeriStar Facility Solutions rise to the top is its customized-customer based first-class provision.
They prepare an individually preferred structure of offering their services, contingent on their previous experiences, the facilities they were satisfied with, and the changes they put forward for their following utility.
To avail of their tailor-made solutions, you may do any of the following –
- Head over to the website –
- Make a call on – (570)-310-1057
- Email to –
Breathing in fresh air has now become a privilege. Money and power have fallen short in their fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic. The only ray of hope is in the following protocol and taking all precautionary measures to the best of our abilities.
Cleaning ourselves and our spaces has now taken the top position in addressing the outburst of this contagious disease. AmeriStar Facility Solutions have tightened their belts and is standing with us in aiding top-tier cleaning facilities.